Author Archive

14 Jan, 2022

How can physical therapy help a full thickness rotator cuff tear?

Physical therapy can certainly help your full thickness rotator cuff tear. Typically, it’s used to help patients prepare for rotator cuff repair surgery. It can also be an awesome addition to your post-surgery recovery process. Read on to learn more about this condition and how physical therapists can work with you to address it. Why

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10 Jan, 2022

Need some stretches for hip osteoarthritis symptoms? Here are 4 that PT experts recommend

Hip osteoarthritis (or degenerative joint disease) is a chronic condition that causes the articular cartilage to break down. When left untreated, it can cause pain and loss of mobility in the hip joint. Treatment for this condition can include medication, staying active and physical therapy. Stretching exercises are a great way to help keep muscles

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3 Jan, 2022

5 tips PT experts recommend for people with shoulder pain during the winter

If you suffer from bad shoulder pain during winter, you need to keep your surroundings warm. Cold weather may cause your muscles to contract and swell, which can lead to painful and chronic symptoms. Moreover, cold weather also tends to reduce the flow of blood to your muscles and tendons. This can cause them to

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27 Dec, 2021

4 types of elbow injuries you could develop at work

The work you do can be hard on your elbows. You might work on an assembly line, or you might work at a desk. In either case, the odds are good that you’re doing things that can lead to many types of elbow injuries.  Think about how much you move your elbows while at work;

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20 Dec, 2021

Knee hurting when you’re going down stairs? One of these issues could be the reason why

We’re often encouraged to take the stairs more often. Generally, walking up and down stairs helps us pack more physical activity into our day, yet going down stairs can also be an activity that causes some people’s knees to hurt.  Fortunately, physical therapy can help you address many of the issues that can cause your

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13 Dec, 2021

Why am I developing pain at the back of my knee every time I go cycling?

You’re riding along on your bicycle with your knees pumping. Gradually, you begin to feel pain creep into the back of your knee. Or maybe the pain you feel at the back of your knee comes on suddenly during your cycling sessions. Either way, you’re experiencing a type of pain that nearly 28% of recreational

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6 Dec, 2021

What can physical therapy do for vertigo and dizziness after concussions?

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and the professional sports world has been especially intent on reducing concussions. Yet impact sports aren’t the most common cause of concussions for those of us who don’t play professional sports. Research shows that about 49% of the TBIs in 2017 were related to unintentional falls.

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4 Nov, 2021

How can physical therapists help with my motorcycle accident injury recovery?

Motorcycles and their riders evoke certain thoughts and feelings in people. Freedom. Rebellion. These are just a few of the feelings that may flit through your mind when you see or think about motorcycles. However, these two-wheeled vehicles may also evoke thoughts of injuries, too.  That’s not too surprising. The Insurance Information Institute reports that

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3 Nov, 2021

What steps can physical therapists take to help me with a lower back twinge?

You’re standing at the stove making dinner. You twist around to grab something from the sink, and it hits you: a sudden, brief lower back twinge. This and other similar stories are playing themselves out all over the country at this very moment.  Indeed, lower back pain is one of the most common issues Americans

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2 Nov, 2021

What is involved in an annual wellness exam at a physical therapy clinic?

For nearly two years now, health and wellness have been serious concerns for many Americans. It’s not too surprising then that a 2020 survey found that 57% of Americans claimed that they were prioritizing their health and wellness even over financial concerns.  One way to take a first step toward improving your wellness is to

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