Post-surgical Rehab

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When people go to the doctor for surgery, they are expecting that the operation will fix their issue, and immediately their quality of life will improve. The surgeon may have successfully repaired the damage or replaced the joint, but the road to recovery is just beginning. Some people overlook or underestimate the importance of post-surgical rehab and the impact it can have on their quality of life.

The drawbacks of skipping post-surgical rehab

Post-surgical rehab does not begin days or weeks after an operation. Even with a major surgery such as a knee or hip replacement, often the doctor will want you to get up and move within hours after waking up. Though it may be the last thing you want to do after just having been opened up and stitched back together, it is in your best interest to begin your therapy as soon as possible. Failure to do this can cause several issues, including:

  • Increased muscle atrophy — The old saying that if you don’t use it, you lose it is very true when it comes to our muscles. In reality, muscle atrophy sets in quickly, and every hour and day that goes by without using the muscle weakens it further and lengthens the road to recovery.
  • Risk of developing blood clots — Getting up and moving helps increase blood flow to the area to promote healing and decrease swelling. Staying stationary allows blood to pool in the area, which increases the risk of blood clots. This can also increase inflammation, which can cause more pain in the long run.
  • Excess formation of scar tissue — Scar tissue forms in response to the body’s normal healing process. It is a tough and fibrous tissue band that can cause the normally slippery, healthy tissue to twist or bind. This can limit range of motion and cause pain. Post-surgical rehab can help limit the formation of this scar tissue and increase flexibility to the repaired area. Scar tissue can be worked through, but limiting its formation with physical therapy is key to quicker recovery.

Types of surgery in which post-surgical rehab is ideal

Depending on the type of surgery, rehabilitation can vary from simple and straightforward to complicated and time intensive. Recovery times can also depend on the effort invested by the patient. Rehab Access physical therapists are here to work with you to achieve your post-surgical rehab goals. We are experts in helping people recover from surgeries including:

  • Joint replacements such as knees, hips and shoulders
  • Ligament tears of the knee such the ACL, MCL, PCL and LCL
  • Meniscus and arthroscopy surgery recovery
  • Rotator cuff, Labrum tears and arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder
  • General rehabilitation after surgery

Scheduling post-surgical rehab treatment

The decision to undergo surgery is not taken lightly. The risks of surgery must be weighed against the possible improvement in the quality of life for the patient. With any operation, there is a real risk of complications including infection or even death. The decision to undergo a procedure should be made with a great deal of thought and contemplation.

Though not always the case, an equal amount of thought should be dedicated to the post-surgical rehab treatment plan. The goal is to help you regain your quality of life, and physical therapy is the key to making that a reality.

The physical therapists of Rehab Access believe that every patient should be able to achieve their rehabilitative goals. If you are considering a surgical procedure in the near future and are searching for a rehabilitation center to help you recover, Rehab Access would like to help you. Contact us at Metairie, Mid City, and Gretna, LA Centers today to set up your initial consultation to see how our individualized treatment plans could help you. Schedule your free consultation or schedule an appointment today.