Having a desk job can keep you from moving about in a natural fashion if you let it. The less active you are at work, the more you’ll experience fatigue and stiffness, both mentally and physically. Taking the time to move around and creating a more comfortable environment for yourself may seem like wasted time.
Four ways to treat arthritis pain
You have more options than ever for treating the day-to-day aches and pains of arthritis in the current generation of medicine. When combined with professionally monitored physical therapy, you can use all of the following tips to relieve the symptoms of arthritis while improving the strength and the mobility of your muscles. A weight loss
When is post-surgical pain the worst and what can I do about it?
Surgery is often necessary to repair serious injuries or treat end-stage osteoarthritis. However, it’s natural to be apprehensive about having surgery. In particular, you might wonder when post-surgical pain is likely to be the worst and what you can do about it. When is post-surgical pain the worst? Knowing exactly when post-surgical pain will be
Two exercises that can improve your balance and gait
The way you move your legs, or gait, is vital to many of your normal daily activities. Having the ability to balance yourself while you move is also critical. Mastering these skills allows you to play sports that you love. They allow you to walk your dog without a fear of falling. As we age,
Why do I always have a stiff neck from sleeping?
It hardly ever fails. You wake up in the morning, and your neck is stiff and painful. Usually, the symptoms fade during the day — but you know that they’ll be back the next morning. This scenario is far too common. However, you aren’t alone in having to deal with a stiff neck from sleeping.
Four potential causes of a stiff knee after sitting
Unless you’re sitting in an odd position that puts stress on the area, a stiff knee after sitting should not be a normal occurrence. If you find yourself encountering this issue on a regular basis, you should seek professional attention for diagnosis and treatment. Even if it isn’t accompanied by pain, knee stiffness can be
Three big reasons why it’s important to have physical therapy after hip replacement surgery
According to a CDC study, hip replacement surgery is an increasingly common procedure, with the rate almost doubling from 2000 to 2010 alone and not showing any signs of slowing down in the ensuing years. This procedure is so prevalent due to an aging population and the increase in conditions like arthritis and bursitis. While
Four tips that can help you get rid of a kink in your neck
We’ve all had to deal with a kink in the neck at one time or another. In many cases it’s because you slept in an awkward position or had poor posture for a few hours at work without realizing it. By addressing basic ergonomic and lifestyle issues like this, that kink in the neck can
Virtual physical therapy at Rehab Access — four important benefits
The possibilities of virtual physical therapy have been an exciting topic in the physical therapy field for some time now. And now, the coronavirus outbreak and resulting COVID-19 pandemic have pushed this new delivery method for treatment to the forefront of care. Rehab Access is offering virtual physical therapy in addition to in-clinic visits during
What to do when dealing with frequent headaches from neck pain
Headaches related to neck pain, also known as cervicogenic headaches, affect millions of people each year. Although not as common as other types of headaches such as migraines and tension headaches, headaches from neck pain can have a devastating impact on quality of life for the people they affect. Dealing with headaches and neck pain