Health blog

How physical therapy for hip arthritis can help you get through your day

November 7th, 2020
physical therapy for hip arthritis

Have you recently been diagnosed with hip arthritis? It can be discouraging to be told you have hip arthritis, because there is no cure for this condition. However, there are treatments that can help manage the pain and stiffness and improve your quality of life.

Treatments for hip arthritis vary depending on the severity of your condition and other factors, such as age, weight and medical history. However, in many cases, one treatment that can help manage the pain and improve your quality of life is physical therapy.

Take a look at how it can help.

Less pain

One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to help reduce and prevent pain. There is no cure for arthritis, but physical therapy can help improve the strength and flexibility of targeted muscle groups to help provide better support for your hips.

Stronger and more flexible muscles around your hips help support your hips and upper body, which can reduce strain off the hip joints that contributes to your arthritis pain and stiffness.

Improved range of motion

Another benefit to improving the strength and flexibility of targeted muscles around your hips is an improved range of motion. Arthritis wears down the cartilage in your joints, which limits your range of motion.

Stronger and more flexible muscles can move more freely and help power the hips through the challenges presented by arthritis. This can help you continue to accomplish daily tasks that involve walking or other uses of the hips.

Improved balance

Pain and stiffness in one or both of your hips can affect your balance. This is a problem not only because it makes your daily life more difficult, but also because it increases your chances of injury from a fall.

Physical therapists can help you improve your balance with targeted exercises, focus exercises and assisted-device guidance. 

Visit Rehab Access for physical therapy for hip arthritis

Do you have hip arthritis that makes it difficult for you to get through your work or favorite activities? Our team at Rehab Access is here to help. We can examine your condition and guide you through a personalized treatment routine to help you manage your pain and improve your range of motion. Contact our team today for more information about physical therapy for hip arthritis or to schedule an initial appointment.