Treating Sports Injuries at Rehab Access

Sports Injuries

No matter what sport you play, there is always a risk of injury. This is true for professionals, club players, high school athletes and beginners. But the joy of playing sports overcomes that injury concern and keeps us coming back to the game even when we do suffer from injury. Rehab Access is here to help you understand how and when sports injury treatment can help you recover faster and be stronger than before.

Causes of sports injuries

The exact causes of sports injuries are as diverse as the sports themselves are, but some of the more common causes of sports injuries include:

  • Repetitive motion injuries — These injuries are the result of a small amount of damage to the joint, ligament or muscle over a longer period of time. For runners, strain on the legs can cause shin splints, Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. Tennis players can suffer from tennis elbow from swinging the racket and absorbing the shock of the ball. In the new age of competitive e-Sports, carpal tunnel syndrome is a real concern for players who spend hours holding a controller to perfect their game and hone their reflexes.
  • Strains and sprains — These injuries result from sudden traumatic damage to a body part. Sports that require any sudden movements are at risk for sprains. Many soccer and basketball players have rolled an ankle more times than they can count. Strains occur when extra stress is placed on a muscle that was not properly warmed up. Baseball players are especially vulnerable to groin and hamstring strains when sprinting out of the batter’s box on the way to first base.

Symptoms of sports injuries

Most sports injuries are minor and will heal within a few days. Often, athletes will employ the RICE method to treat less serious injuries on their own. Rest, ice, compression and elevation will help resolve even the most moderate sports injuries. However, there are some symptoms that, should you experience them, could merit a trip to the emergency room. These symptoms include:

  • Visibly broken bones or dislocated joints
  • Pain that does not subside or grows worse over time
  • Numbness or tingling in the injured area that could indicate nerve damage
  • An inability to put any weight on the injured body part


Depending on the injury, your doctor may order an X-ray or MRI scan to determine the extent of ligament or tissue damage. In other instances, a physical exam is necessary to diagnose the type and severity of the injury. A physical therapist will also perform a complete evaluation to determine strength, range of motion and functionality of the injured area. From this, an individualized treatment plan can be created to help you get back in the game.


Depending on the severity and type of injury, many different types of treatment may be recommended to help you recover, such as:

  • Physical therapy — For injuries that may have required surgery to repair such as a muscle or ligament tear, a complete physical therapy treatment plan can be recommended to help you recover.
  • Kinesio Taping — This is a newer method of treatment that first rose to prominence by athletes wearing the colored tape during the Beijing Olympics in 2008. In this treatment, a strong and flexible tape is applied to the skin in specific patterns to provide stability and support to the joints and muscles. The tape pulls the skin away from the muscles to allow for increased blood flow and circulation to promote healing and decrease inflammation.
  • Aquatic therapy — The resistance of moving the body through water is great for strengthening the lower extremities. Water can also provide compression to help reduce swelling.

Scheduling treatment for sports injury

The physical therapists of Rehab Access are experts in dealing with most types of sports injury. Don’t let a sports injury continue to affect your performance and cripple you with pain. Physical therapy is a great option to help you return to action with less pain and greater strength and flexibility. If you have a nagging injury that is causing you pain, contact us today at Metairie, Mid City, and Gretna LA Centers today to set up your initial consultation. Schedule your free consultation or schedule an appointment today.