Health blog

Three tips that can help you get in the best position to sit with a herniated lumbar disc

August 6th, 2021
Best Position to Sit With Herniated Disc

You picked up a heavy box, and now your lower back is sore. You were recently in a car accident that has left you feeling lower back pain. These are both common scenarios that people who develop herniated lumbar discs have experienced — scenarios that can leave you desperate to find the best position to sit in. 

A herniated disc occurs in one of the pillowlike discs of your spine. This issue occurs when the outer layer of a disc is damaged or deformed, which typically triggers pain. The lower back or lumbar region is one common place where people develop herniated discs; medical research shows that up to 20 in every 1,000 people are affected by this issue annually. 

Sitting is not really the preferred position when you have a herniated lumbar disc. Most physical therapists will recommend standing up, moving around or lying down over sitting. However, these specialists can also offer tips that can help people who can’t avoid sitting find the best position to sit in when they have a herniated lumbar disc. 

Three tips that can help you find the best position to sit in with a herniated lumbar disc

  1. Avoid crossing your legs — Crossing your legs may be so natural to you that you do it without thinking. However, people with herniated lumbar discs should try to avoid it. The reason? Crossing your legs means your legs can’t hold as much weight while you’re sitting. This means that your lower back must hold up this additional weight, which can lead to increased pain. 
  1. Don’t lean to one side — Other people may be in the habit of sitting so that they lean to one side, and this is especially common for men who keep a wallet in their back pocket. Sitting in this position creates an uneven distribution of your weight. This can be an issue even if your back isn’t injured, but it can be especially painful if you have a herniated lumbar disc. 
  1. Try not to lean forward for long periods of time — People who work on a computer may find themselves leaning toward their screen when they’re absorbed in their work. This unthinking action is a postural mistake at any time, but it can be downright painful when you have a herniated lumbar disc. Why? When you lean forward, your lower back must take up the strain of holding you in place. Placing this added strain on an already injured lower back can magnify your symptoms. 

Rehab Access can help you find the best sitting position for your herniated disc and so much more

You might want to find the best position to sit in when you have a herniated disc. Our Rehab Access Physical Therapy team can help you do this, but we can also help you do so much more. We can confirm that you have a herniated lumbar disc by doing a free screening of your lower back. In addition, our physical therapists excel at creating PT programs that are designed to: 

  • Reduce pain.
  • Improve flexibility.
  • Increase your ability to sit with good posture. 
  • Decrease your risk of future back pain. 

Contact our team today for more information about our back pain treatment service or to schedule your initial PT appointment.
