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Three ways that exercises help to avoid tennis elbow

August 2nd, 2019
Three Ways Exercises Help to Avoid Tennis Elbow

Whether you develop it from actually playing tennis, or due to similar arm movements from activities like painting or plumbing, tennis elbow can be a painful and frustrating condition to deal with. If you’ve had this injury in the past and worked to recover from it, then it is highly likely that avoiding reinjury is a high priority. 

This is even more the case for people who have suffered multiple instances of tennis elbow, as it is a repetitive motion injury that can recur among people who continue performing certain activities. Physical therapy is such an effective treatment for tennis elbow and other injuries because it not only helps with recovery and pain relief, but it can also be an important part of a preventive strategy. 

Exercises to avoid tennis elbow are a fundamental part of any physical therapy program to treat this condition. By having a better understanding of how therapeutic exercise can prevent reinjury, you can work with your therapist on a more informed basis. 

Specific benefits of therapeutic exercise to avoid tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is a general term for strain and inflammation of the muscles in the forearm that attach to the elbow. Although we’re all built basically the same, everyone has slightly different biomechanics that can lead to the onset of this condition. A physical therapist can develop an effective treatment and prevention plan that is custom-tailored to you. 

Along with options like manual therapy, Kinesio Taping and dry needling, therapeutic exercise is a key part in both the treatment and prevention of tennis elbow. By performing targeted exercises, both on your own and with the assistance of a therapist, you can accomplish the following goals: 

  1. Strengthen the muscles in your arm — Tennis elbow can often be the result of weak muscles. Therapeutic exercise can help to strengthen and stabilize the muscles in the arm to make them less injury prone.
  2. Improve range of motion — Injured muscles and connective tissues can become stiff and immobile, making them more prone to reinjury. With gentle stretching and other exercises, a physical therapist can activate the elbow joint and improve healthy motion. 
  3. Fix muscle imbalances — In addition to just strengthening muscles, therapeutic exercise for tennis elbow should be designed to ensure that no muscle group is stronger than a corresponding muscle group. If a muscle pulls too hard on another one, it can increase the risk for injury. 

By working with the right physical therapist, you can develop an exercise plan to help you prevent reinjury. 

Rehab Access can help you overcome and prevent tennis elbow

Are you suffering from recurring episodes of tennis elbow? Don’t let this injury keep you away from an active lifestyle. Contact the experts at Rehab Access to schedule your initial appointment today.