There are many types of headaches, but cervicogenic headaches are specifically related to having tightness and tension in the muscles of the back of the neck. The pain can be severe, and often be accompanied by pain or tightness in the neck. Physical therapy can help people with all types of headaches. Rehab Access explains
Two habits of highly successful post-surgical rehab patients
The success of post-surgical rehab often rests with the work a patient puts into physical therapy. However, it can be hard to find the motivation to go to physical therapy after a procedure. After surgery, there can be a great deal of pain and discomfort. You may want to rest and relax, but it is
Three Signs That You May Need Sports Injury Treatment
Being sidelined from your favorite past time to seek sports injury treatment is a major bummer. You may be tempted to ignore the pain and try and play through it. After all, you are probably not a professional athlete. However, the risk of injury is present in any sport and is often higher among weekend
The Unexpected Benefits of Stretching
Many non-athletes — and even a few actual jocks — are guilty of either rushing through their warm-up stretching, or skipping the cool-down moves after the workout. Yet, along with cardio and strength-training, stretching also delivers significant health benefits. You probably already know that stretching extends your overall range of motion, while also elasticizing your
How Staying Active at Work Can Increase Productivity
Picture yourself at work. Hunched over a keyboard, clicking away on a mouse, answering the phone, or having meetings, the most moving around you are likely to do is to and from the copy machine. It is no surprise that our sedentary jobs are causing fatigue and stiffness, both mentally and physically. Fortunately, having a
Tips to Treat Your Arthritis Pain
If you are like the one in four American adults who suffer from arthritis symptoms, you are looking for options for managing the day to day aches and pains and often debilitating loss of mobility. Fortunately, there are many things you can do that, when combined with physical therapy, can improve your strength, increase your
Without Intervention, Your Lower Back Pain Could Be Here to Stay
Ask any physical therapist, and you’ll get confirmation that lower back pain is the most frequent complaint they’re asked to treat. Often, back strain goes away on their own, especially with the classic “RICE” treatment. But when rest, ice, compression and elevation just can’t cut the pain, physical therapy is often your most reliable path
Are Your Hips Killing Your Back?
Are you like many people, with an aching back at the end of the day or worried about lifting an object due to your back going out? You are not alone, over 80% of the population will suffer back pain at one time or another in their life according to CDC data. It is the
Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain
Do you find your knees or hips hurting after sitting for too long? Has bending or squatting become difficult or even painful? This is a common complaint of people with knee or hip osteoarthritis. Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that 1 out of every 2 people will have symptoms
How to Relieve Back and Neck Pain With a Healthy Spine
Do you suffer from aching back pain, nagging neck pain or even headaches? Having a healthy spine can prevent these types of problems. Your spine is a complicated structure of vertebrae, discs, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves. Every second of every day your spine is moving in a delicate balance, even while you breathe!